
My Story

I am a contemporary abstract artist residing in Southern California with an education and background in Depth Psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy.  My roots stem proudly from Lafayette, Louisiana, where my love for God, family, nature and creativity first bloomed.  I graduated from San Diego State University, then received a Master of Arts degree in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and was certified in Expressive Arts Therapy.  As an Expressive Arts Therapist, yoga teacher and mother of two young children, for several years I painted as a private release, and was ultimately urged to exhibit my work.

My artwork evolves from an unfolding of the personal and the spiritual, and a journey of sinking beneath the surface of the evident. I yearn to reveal the beauty in the flawed, and the balance between embrace and surrender from a deeply connected perspective. My process entails grounding and deepening through writing reflections on the canvas. Layers of paint are applied and serve as a metaphor of transference of my inner landscape. I utilize not only acrylic paint, brushes, palette knives and other tools, but oil colors and pastels as well, allowing myself to be led organically as unconscious unites with conscious mind. My process is a call to trust, surrender and embrace what is revealed.

“The creative process, so far as we are able to follow it at all, consists in the unconscious activation of an archetypal image and elaborating and shaping the image into the finished work. By giving it shape, the artist translates it into the language of the present and so makes it possible for us to find our way back to the deepest springs of life.”

– Carl Jung

My abstract contemporary works of art and expressive arts facilitation are grounded in a Carl Jung/Carl Rogers theory; a humanistic depth centered approach. This foundation lends an appreciation and passion for psyche’s first language, images. Their stories are told through creative expression and allow for space from the emotions and circumstances of our humanity. I believe this provides the ability for more consciousness, deeper awareness, new perspectives and empowerment.
To me creativity is the essence of stepping away from your limitations and into your limitlessness. The arts and creative expression bring your collective unconsciousness to a state of conscious connection and union with self and spirit. Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same state of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” I see life experiences, challenges and processes as sources of inspiration to dive deeper, to seek and understand the mysteries of life’s unfolding as abundant resources for creativity and self-expression.

My art is inspired by the unseen, intangible and deeply heartfelt unfolding of whispered stories on canvas – abstract and contemporary image, color, pattern, texture, shape and rhythm expressed through brush strokes, palette knives and hands. 

The circle is a sacred symbol and embodies wholeness, fulfillment and the infinite. I hope to arouse the circle within you – embrace your original perfection, enliven your creative and authentic Spirit, and then go share it with the world.


  • Townley Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
  • Kelli Kaufman Gallery, Lafayette, LA (Solo Exhibition)
  • Sutton Galleries, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
  • The Living Room Art Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA
  • Monarch Main Event 2017, A New York State of Mind, Saint Edward Parish School, Dana Pointl, CA
  • Thomas Lavin Show Room, Laguna Design Center, Laguna Niguel, CA
  • MUSE, Lafayette, LA
  • San Clemente Arts, San Clemente, CA
  • KAABOO Del Mar 2018
  • KAABOO Del Mar 2019


  • Largest private real estate development firm in California (Commissioned pieces hung in main lobbies of a large real estate development and a San Francisco high rise).
  • Serene Salon in Mission Viejo and other privately owned businesses in Orange County. Residential commissioned pieces placed within Orange County and San Diego.


  • Top Orange County Law Firm (10 pieces)
  • Multiple private collectors
  • Home Decor Boutiques


  • THOMAS LAVIN SHOW ROOM, Laguna Design Center, Laguna Niguel, CA
  • SEASIDE GALLERY, Newport Beach, CA
  • LAGUNA ART GALLERY, Laguna Beach, CA


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